Birthday Themes

Birthday Kids Aprons

Aprons. I knew I wanted to make these for the party, but I did not know it would be nearly impossible to find a decent pattern. So with the help of my patient Mother, we took matters into our own hands and I sketched up a design. With 2 parties in the works, they had […]


Whats in your cup of coffee?

Many of us love their shot of coffee in the morning. As an avid tea drinker, I never understood the thrill of drinking coffee. But many people don’t get out of their house in the morning or start their day without a sip of this beverage. You will see people on a busy street holding […]

Gifts Kids

Gifts for 4 year old Girl

Being a mother gets difficult as soon as your little one starts turning old. The more your little ones grow, the more you have to take care about what pleases them, especially on their birthday. Celebrating a 4-year-old girl’s birthday requires a gift that would actually please her. Kids growing up often seems to be […]


Dogs versus Cats – Part 1

Getting a dog and a cat used to each other is a mission. We got a new pup as an addition to the family, which already had a cat – Kevin. The cat has been in the family for 2 years now. So he is used to the whole house and the family. Our challenge […]


Funny New Year Resolutions That Will Make You Die Laughing

Well, it is the new year now. Have you made your New Year Resolution? Do you have any Funny New Year Resolutions? Let me list some of the funny resolutions that you can use if not for 2020, then for 2021. I will not drink tea after brushing my teeth. I will gain enough weight […]

General Gifts

Vintage Groove Jewelry Kits

Everyone loves to keep a memento of things that they have been through in their lives. For some, it could be the medals from all the races and other events that they’ve won. For others, it could be photos of significant events in their lives… well, they don’t even need to be significant, they could […]


11 Things That Glisten

Glisten. Here is a word that is used sparingly when trying to describe something that has a luster. The dictionary definition is to shine, or reflect light, as though there is a layer of liquid covering that object. Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be covered by a liquid so as to reflect light, the […]


Easter Piggy Banks that don’t Cost the Earth

We’ve all seen it. The adults around us who don’t know how to manage their money. As soon as they come into a little of it, they go out splurging on the nearest luxury they can get their hands on. Time and time again, we’ve seen them turn to their family, friends and sometimes even […]

Birthday Themes Kids

How to Set Up A Pirates and Pixies Party

It’s not everyday that the little person who inhabits your home, and you love so much, turns a year older. Even though they may be growing older, they still love the simple things around them, that they’ve grown up seeing. When it comes to setting up their birthday and venue, it’s almost default to try […]


Frugal Teacher Appreciation Ideas

Your time at that school might be coming to an end. This is usually the time when nostalgia starts to kick in and everything you see starts to seem rosy. The halls where you may have loathed walking through wondering why you’re still in school are now a bit sweeter, and you just want to […]